A Mad Scientist Told Us This Slug-Human Hybrid Won't Get ...
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The Bendable Party Mustache is a mood mustache for the ages
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The Unlikely Success of Bacon?
December 21, 2016
The A.V. Club interviewed our Director of Awesome, David Wahl, about all the Archie McPhee bacon products. He spills everything from the first bacon products to our fat-marbled bacon single to the future of bacon. AVC: When did you start making bacon products? What were some of your earliest ones? DW: The earliest bacon product we made was in 2003—the bacon...
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Titanic Gravy Boat
December 20, 2016
This item has been discontinued and is no longer for sale. If you have a great memory of it or would like us to bring it back, leave a comment on this post and let us know. Remember, we still have plenty of other weird items for your home and kitchen including the Octopus Porcelain Mug. Titanic Gravy Boat When we...
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Bacon Body Wash
December 14, 2016
This item has been discontinued and is no longer for sale. If you have a great memory of it or would like us to bring it back, leave a comment on this post and let us know. Remember, we still have plenty of bacon products! Body wash that smells like bacon 5 oz. bottle of liquid soap Like washing with...
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Inflatable Toupee
December 12, 2016
This item has been discontinued and is no longer for sale. If you have a great memory of it or would like us to bring it back, leave a comment on this post and let us know. We have other great inflatable items! Remembering the Inflatable Toupée While the idea of a bad toupee is a universal source of hilarity,...
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Emergency Underpants Dispenser
December 5, 2016
This item has been discontinued and is no longer for sale. If you have a great memory of it or would like us to bring it back, leave a comment on this post and let us know. Remember, we still have plenty of other weird underpants items including the original, travel-size Uh Oh... Emergency Underpants. Emergency Underpants Dispenser The meeting that produced the...
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This American Eagle would like to remind you to vote
November 8, 2016
A reminder from our resident eagle, vote! Participating in our democracy is a privilege, exercise your power at every opportunity. We cannot guarantee that you will be allowed to vote if you show up in our Eagle Mask and Talons. Shana did not wear them while she was in the booth, but the poll worker was happy to sticker her...
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Turkey Mask - Raw Turkey on Your Head
October 20, 2016
This item has been discontinued and is no longer for sale. If you have a great memory of it or would like us to bring it back, leave a comment on this post and let us know. The Clumsy Cook Turkey Mask We make some amazing masks. When you try an make something that has never been made before, you sometimes...
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Sexy slugs and the Seattle Times
October 17, 2016
Thanks to the Seattle Times for the great article on Halloween Shopping at our Seattle store! While the article is spectacular, that bit on the front page "Slugs In, Sexy Out" may be the greatest headline of all time. You can get your own Banana Slug Mask here!
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USB Pickle Light - Ideal for Night Blogging
October 12, 2016
This item has been discontinued and is no longer for sale. If you have a great memory of it or would like us to bring it back, leave a comment on this post and let us know. We still have plenty of geek and nerd products for sale, as well as pickle products! Remembering the USB Pickle It was 2012,...
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Stella the pig visits Archie McPhee
September 9, 2016
We sure had fun when Jeanie brought her pig Stella into work! This little piggie let Mr. Bacon ride on her back, wore a unicorn horn and got held by a giant pug! All in a day's work for this very loved little porker. She's welcome back any day!
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