Less Talk, More Monkey: The Archie McPhee Podcast

May 14 2018

We are super excited to introduce our new podcast! 

It's called Less Talk, More Monkeybut in reality, it's about equal parts talking and monkey. We'll be posting them here on this blog, but we recommend subscribing! Hosted by Shana Danger, David Wahl, and Scott Heff, you'll get the inside scoop on all things Archie McPhee. For the first few, we're going to be focussing on individual products, but then who knows where we'll end up. 

We did one on the Inflatable Unicorn Horn for Cats, one on Finger Hands and, another on the opening of the Rubber Chicken Museum. 

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunesSpotify or Google Play!

If you have a question or suggestion, leave a comment on this post or email unicorn at mcphee dot com. 


  • Rich Gillette : March 06, 2019
    Author's avatar image

    Absolutely love your podcast. I’ve been listening to them from episode one. Makes me want to visit your store someday. Meanwhile I’ll continue ordering from your website. Keep up the good work.

  • Luis Granada: June 01, 2018
    Author's avatar image

    Just listen to the podcasts. I love them! I laughed so hard. I hope you guys do more. You guys have so many products (which I love) and I’m sure there are stories behind each and everyone of them. Can’t wait to hear more!

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